Due to flooding damages, here is how you can access us now:

Take the McCook exit, go east and turn left on HWY 105. Turn left onto North Westshore Drive (the bridge goes over the interstate) You will find Dogwood on the right!

1200 Northshore Drive
McCook Lake, SD 57049

(605) 232-3647
or 232-DOGS

E-mail Us!


Call Us Today To Make A Reservation Or Schedule A Tour!

Please let us know if you would like your pet scheduled for grooming, a bath / brushing / nail trim, an upgrade to daycare when space is available, or an extra service of your choice added to their reservation while they are spending quality time with us at The Dogwood!


Special arrangements may be made in advance for early arrival or late departure for a charge of $10 during business hours and $20 after business hours, because we know how much you missed your pet while you were away.


Pets not picked up by closing time will be considered overnight guests and charged the standard boarding rate for that evening.

1200 Northshore Dr., McCook Lake, SD 57049 | (605) 232-3647
